Jul 30, 2015

Citrix NetScaler Unified Gateway Overview - YouTube Mar 31, 2017 What does a Citrix NetScaler Actually do? At its most basic, a Citrix NetScaler is an Application Delivery Controller. If you are like most, that bit of information is not helpful in understanding what a NetScaler actually does. Even among those that know and work with Citrix NetScaler, the most common way it is described is as a Swiss Army knife. Full VPN Setup on Citrix NetScaler Gateway - Vikash With Citrix NetScaler VPN you can provide your end-users with full SSL VPN (Virtual Private Network) access in order to ensure that resources in your network are securely accessed. Citrix NetScaler provides access to any device anywhere. Deliverables of this post: Citrix NetScaler SSL VPN Setup with full access to your network. SSL VPN access

Dec 08, 2009

NetScaler Boasts SSL VPN Capabilities - eWEEK

NetScaler Gateway’s split tunnel capability allows the Gateway plug-in to decide the traffic that need to be sent to VPN tunnel and LAN Adapter. When the NetScaler Gateway Plug-in starts, it obtains the list of Intranet applications from NetScaler Gateway.

Lab: Part 38 - How to Configure Full VPN Setup with Citrix Jul 25, 2018